The Line


By Maura Yzmore

I am that woman behind whom you hate being stuck in the checkout line at the grocery store. My cart overflows, filled with produce and meat, bread and milk, snacks and drinks. You ask if we’re having a party. I smile. No, there is no party, but three boys will eat all this in a week.

You ask, and I feel joy. I am so lucky to have someone to feed, to love.

You ask, and I feel sadness. Soon—far too soon—they’ll all be off, and you’ll no longer hate being stuck behind me in the checkout line.

Maura Yzmore’s short fiction has appeared in The Fiction Pool, Microfiction Monday Magazine, 50-Word Stories, and elsewhere.

5 thoughts on “The Line

  1. “I am that woman behind whom you hate being stuck in the checkout line at the grocery store.”

    This is funny. This would have been followed by sweet talking and false lack of interest in the lady’s eating habits, all in hopes of getting to know her. But, in fail, three boys are mentioned and the He in the scenario moves on.


    1. Thanks! Yours is an interesting take on the story. In my experience, once you are a middle-aged mom, people of all ages and genders are far more likely to give you the stink eye for taking forever to check out than anything else…


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