A Fresh Angle


(Originally published December 9, 2015)

By Nick Dunster

The elderly tenant called me up to make a formal complaint, insisting that I visit him in person that cold, December morning.

“It’s that immoral young woman over there,” he explained, gesturing toward a window in an adjacent block. “Every day she wanders around in her apartment with no clothes on.  It’s really not acceptable.”

I peered across. “Well,” I said, “I can’t see anything.”

“Ah no,” the tenant explained. “You can’t see anything from there. You’ll have to stand on this table and then lean your shoulder against this wall. Then you’ll have the right angle.”

15 Best Drabbles of 2015


To celebrate the conclusion of the first calendar year of our existence, Drabble editors (both of us) have compiled a list of some our favorite posts of 2015.

While we are grateful to every Drabble reader and writer for helping to make this small corner of the Internet such an unexpected success, we wanted to call out a few pieces that we feel truly accomplished what we were setting out to do when we began this blog back in March.

It was a difficult task, as there were so many great pieces; but here (in no particular order) are 15 drabbles we truly loved:

Beach Day by Susan Durham

Daydream by Kazz

A Fresh Angle by Nick Dunster

Snap Shot by Rebecca Lee

Leaves #2  by Moshe K.

An Impossible Certainty by Author Unknown

An Expected Goodbye by Karla Dia

Anything that CAN happen WILL by Enos the Space Monkey

Tomorrow Never Comes by By Shyamala Sathiaseelan

Try Not to Slip by Craig Towsley

The Novelist’s Kingdom by Daniel Boshoff

I Can’t Sleep by Azul Serena

Walking the Writer’s Plank by Noshin

Coming Out by Emma

Adrift by Tom H.

Happy drabbling in 2016! And don’t forget to submit! Oh, and please consider following us on twitter @the_drabble

Anything that CAN happen WILL

Monkey-typingDear humans,

In the 1960’s—in an effort to test the Infinite Monkey Theorem (i.e., a monkey typing at random for an infinite amount of time will eventually type a given text, e.g., the complete works of Shakespeare.)—your government secretly launched me (and 999 of my cousins) into outer space along with 1,000 typewriters.

Our charge:  Just keep typing.

Our objective:  Shakespeare.

Well, by now you’ve probably figured out that this ain’t Shakespeare.

I’m sorry. But seriously guys, what did you expect from 1,000 monkeys?


Enos the Chimp & His Surviving Friends

PS – Your typewriters are, um … broken. (Oh, and send bananas.)